A Werewolf in England
Im 19. Jahrhundert sucht ein Gemeinderat und sein krimineller Gefangener Zuflucht in einem abgelegenen Landgasthof, ohne zu wissen, dass fleisch hungrige Werwölfe die umliegenden Wälder bewohnen und bereit sind, sich zu ernähren…
„You can tell that Steeds is having fun here: the ‘Evil Dead’ visual references fall over each other, and the cast look like they’re enjoying themselves too: Barrington de la Roche, a fixture of all of Steeds’ movies, in particular turns in a super ripe performance as one of The Three Claws’ shadier staff. The director once again shows his versatility at turning out quality product which doesn’t break the bank but looks a million dollars. I do not know how he does it, but I’m damn glad he does.“ - Bloody Flicks
„British werewolves needed a film like A Werewolf in England. It’s a fast paced, gory and funny good time.“
- Voices from the Balcony