Bad Candy
Es ist Halloween in einer kleinen Stadt. Zwei DJ's in einer Radio Station erzählen uns gruselige Geschichten während ein Clown die Stadt unsicher macht.
„Bad Candy is one of those films that, no matter what time of year it is, whether it’s sunny, snowing, or your house is being blown away with you in it like Dorothy, all you need to do is pop it in and you’ll feel like you’re being wrapped up in the arms of the Great Pumpkin itself... In that sense, the film nearly reaches the impressive bar set by Trick ‘r Treat, with a world that feels completely taken over by ghouls, goblins and one nasty killer clown.“ - Killer Horror Critic
„The tight story, breakneck pacing, high body count, dark humor, and exceptional effects combine to make Bad Candy an instant late-night classic that competes with some of the best indie horror movies from the past few years.“ - Signal Horizon
Grimmfest 2020